The Fell Gard Codices

Level Names

November 15th, 2012

One of the things you’ll notice in the new, updated draft of Fell Gard is that a few names have been added. Things like “Silver Athrir” and “Twarid.” Level names.

I generally feel that geography in Fell Gard is not terribly fixed. As we’ll see, there are forces that change the shape of the dungeon from time to time. Cities, for reasons I’ll get into eventually, tend to form and dissolve and generally be inconstant. And generally I think information isn’t necessarily shared freely. So I had the idea that specific local features might be named, but larger things — like the Abyss of Stairs — might be almost legendary, the sort of thing you hear of but can’t say exactly where they might be. In other words: there’s a haphazard understanding of geography in the dungeon, which perhaps mirrors the haphazard geographical understanding of the Middle Ages.

So it took me a while to realise that there are certain fixed areas that naturally would be given names — the twenty levels of Fell Gard itself. Once I’d understood that, I took some time and came up with a set of names; at some point, when they’ve all come out in the story, I’ll outline that process here. For the moment, enough to say that I’ve added a couple of names into the already-published chapters, as seemed necessary, but I’ll be going through those names and more in the not-too-distant future within the story itself, and giving some in-story explanation of how they came to be.

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